Ankle/foot orthoses

Ankle/foot orthoses are custom-made or off-the-shelf orthopedic devices intended to support, compensate or immobilize the weakened joint.
Different types of support orthosis can be fitted to the user depending on their pathology:
- Off-the-shelf functional strap or rigid ankle braces for benign sprains, chronic laxity and resuming sporting activity.
- Off-the-shelf walking boots, articulated or not for severe ankle sprains, fractures, tendon injury and post-operative care.
- Off-the-shelf or custom-made drop-foot supports used to keep the foot at a right angle. They are intended to compensate for ambulatory deficiencies and more precisely those caused by loss of dorsiflexion resulting in a steppage (or drop foot) gait.
- Custom-made articulated walking orthoses are used to stabilize the ankle without impairing the user’s ability to walk. Also used to correct or compensate for deformation of the foot, to prevent tendon retraction and to limit muscle insufficiency (anti-talus). They can also support users with knee hyperextension.
- Custom-made dynamic articulated tibia ankle foot orthoses, Chignon PFC and Chignon PFA for users with a neurological condition affecting the foot and ankle dorsiflexors, These products are effective rehabilitation devices and not simply palliative orthoses.
- Custom-made dynamic articulated tibia ankle foot orthoses, Chignon PFC and Chignon PFA for users with a neurological condition affecting the foot and ankle dorsiflexors, These products are effective rehabilitation devices and not simply palliative orthoses.
- Custom-made nocturnal boots provide controlled support for the ankle and foot to avoid nocturnal malpositioning in cases of muscular retraction and to achieve or preserve an increase in joint amplitude.
Custom-made orthoses are available in many forms, offering a wide range of designs and materials.
Examples of ankle/foot orthoses
Off-the-shelf rigid ankle brace Off-the-shelf walking boot Custom-made carbon drop-foot support Articulated walking orthosis Chignon PFC orthoses Non-articulated walking orthosis Custom-made nocturnal boots