Legal notice
Head office : 6 Rue de la Redoute
S.A.S. Capital 1 514 250 Euros – RCS Dijon 542 083 704
Tel: + 33 (0)3 80 78 42 42
Development & Graphic Design :
SAS with a capital of €10,069,020
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE code 2620Z
VAT no.: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Terms of use of the site
This site was developed for the company PROTEOR SAS (simplified joint stock company, with a capital of 1 514 250 Euros), whose head office is located at 6 rue de la Redoute, 21850 SAINT APOLLINAIRE – FRANCE, registered in the Dijon Trade and Companies Register under number 542 083 704
PROTEOR SAS is pleased to welcome you to its website dedicated to the life of the PROTEOR Group (hereinafter the « PROTEOR Group »), (hereinafter referred to as the « Site »), or by any other URL, hyperlink, tab or button affixed on another site and redirecting to the Site.
Please read the following terms carefully before using the Site. Use of the Site constitutes acceptance of the Terms. Accordingly, by accessing the Site, any Internet user (hereinafter « User ») agrees to comply with and respect the rules set forth below:
1. Intellectual property rights attached to the Site
The PROTEOR SAS Site is an intellectual work protected by intellectual property law. The Site and each of its components (such as, in particular, trademarks, logos, photographs, images, illustrations, texts, videos…) are the exclusive property of PROTEOR SAS, the only one entitled to use the intellectual property rights and personality rights relating thereto, the latter not granting any license, or any other right than that of consulting the site.
The reproduction of any documents published on the Site is only authorized for the exclusive purpose of information for strictly personal and private use. Any reproduction and/or representation, in whole or in part, of the Site, or of any of its component parts, on any medium whatsoever, for other purposes, and in particular commercial purposes, is expressly prohibited.
Except for the above circumstances, any other reproduction and/or representation of the Site must be subject to the express prior authorization of PROTEOR SAS.
Similarly, the creation of hypertext links to the Site may only be made with the prior written authorization of PROTEOR SAS. PROTEOR SAS declines all responsibility for the content, advertising, products or services available on or from sites linked to the Site.
In addition, unless expressly agreed in writing by PROTEOR SAS, the User is not authorized to place a hypertext link on his or her own website pointing to the Site and/or to the pages it contains.
Any request for permission should be sent to the following email address:
Any unauthorized use constitutes an infringement punishable by law.