CTM spinal orthosis

The CTM spinal orthosis for scoliosis (Chêneau-Toulouse-Munster) is now the orthosis of choice for the treatment of scoliosis. It is also referred to as the Cheneau brace.
This asymmetrical orthosis is made of polyethylene (a thermoformable plastic). It applies pressure oriented in the three spatial planes in certain zones and relief (into “expansion chambers”) in other zones. The degree of correction provided by the brace can be adjusted using these pressure zones. It accommodates chest expansion.
The color of the orthosis can be customized by choosing from the various decorative designs available.
The orthosis may be worn for between 12 and 24 h a day, in accordance with the instructions given by the prescribing physician.
It is advisable to wear a t-shirt with no seams on the sides. This t-shirt will protect the user’s skin from any irritation caused by the brace rubbing against the body.
Scoliosis can continue to develop until the individual stops growing. Wearing the brace and attending regular check-ups by physicians working alongside orthotists are essential for a successful treatment.